
Remembrance is an opportunity to pause and reflect on giving thanks and honouring the memory of those who gave their lives to defend our democratic freedoms.

We have approximately 2300 Royal British Legion branches across the UK and overseas. As a Member, you become a messenger of Remembrance, with your local branch acting as a focal point for social activity and support. We need your help to ensure that Remembrance is understood by all, is available to all, and is passed on to future generations.

To help people understand Remembrance, we’ve created these guides to help you spread the message of Remembrance to people across your community.

Poppies in a field - 26722

Remembering the legacy of Generation ’44

Almost all of us in modern Britain have a connection to those who served during the Second World War, through either family or community heritage. We invite our members and supporters to find out about veterans from their areas, and personal connections to these landmark battles, and to stage exhibitions and host events to celebrate this service.

To help you plan an event and locate veterans we have produced a Remembrance in 2024 guide.

See below for posters you can download to support your activities.

Download guide

Poppies in a wheat field – Heart of the Country partnership

Event Display Units to Order

To help you commemorate D-Day and other 80th anniversaries, we have produced a range of display units for exhibitions and events.
Online ordering website

Poppies in Trafalgar Square fountain

Posters for D-Day and the campaigns of 1944

To support your commemorations of D-Day and the other landmark campaigns of 1944, we have also produced themed posters which you can download to print.

We recommend that you have the posters printed by a professional printer who would advise you on paper type and finish

To ensure quality and legibility, we advise that the posters should not be printed smaller than A1 (594mm x 841mm) and no larger than A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm)

Download all

Planning an event?

If you are planning to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D Day, we’d like to hear about your plans. Please take a few minutes to complete this form so that we can continue to shape future Remembrance activities.
Complete form

Summary of 2024 anniversaries 

  • 18 May 2024: 80th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Monte Cassino  
  • 6 June 2024: 80th anniversary of D-Day and the start of the Battle of Normandy
  • 22 June 2024: 80th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Kohima  
  • 18 July 2024: 80th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Imphal 
  • 25 September 2024: 80th anniversary of the end of Operation Market Garden 
  • 8 November 2024: 80th anniversary of the end of the Battle of the Scheldt

Key RBL D-Day 80 events 

More on D-Day 80

Khumi VE Day outside my cottage 2020

Connecting with Remembrance

Within the Connecting with Remembrance guide, you will find talking points that:

  • Explain the meaning of Remembrance
  • Explore changing ideas of Remembrance
  • Investigate ways to remember together
  • Identify different acts of Remembrance
  • Help you invite people to Remembrance
  • Look at how you can do more to help others remember

Volunteer and Students

Making Remembrance Happen

Within the Making Remembrance Happen guide you will find many ideas to help you engage your community with Remembrance to commemorate lives lost and service given. Whether you are an experienced RBL Member or entirely new to organising Remembrance events, we hope you find this guide helpful.


Teaching Remembrance – learning resources and events for young people

The RBL's Teaching Remembrance Learning Programme offers a wide range of free resources and events for school children and their teachers, youth groups and families.

What we offer:

  • Free downloadable learning resources, which are available on our website all year round.
  • Free in-person and online events which include educational workshops and assemblies.
  • Learning activities linked to the National Curriculum and Curriculum for Wales.

Get in touch

We hope you find our resource packs helpful. 

If you would like any additional resources or have any further questions, please contact [email protected]

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