This Remembrance, please give a donation to help make sure no one who has served their country is left to stand alone.

Your donation to the Poppy Appeal matters. By donating to RBL this Remembrance time, you are standing shoulder to shoulder with those who have done their part — serving their country and putting their lives on the line for your freedom.

They shouldn’t have to face life’s problems alone, and with your support, they won’t have to. Whether they need advice from our Helpline or financial assistance in the form of a grant, you can make sure we are here to do what’s needed, without delay.

Give a gift now


The impact of your support 

They celebrate the heroic men and women from all walks of life who gave their all to defend our freedom.

The need for RBL’s support is likely to be especially high this winter, with many members of the Armed Forces family — active servicemen and women, veterans and families — reaching out to us for help. 

Here are just some of the ways in which your gift today could make a difference: 

  • Advice and Information Line

On average, last year we received 8,000 calls to our Advice and Information Line every month. With your help, we can ensure that every call is answered and the person calling us gets the advice and support they need. 

  •  Welfare team 

Last year, RBL donors’ support helped our welfare team provide support to 40,000 people. This help covered a wide range of areas, from emotional support to practical assistance. 

  • Financial grants 

No-one should have to choose between food and warmth. Last year, 29% of our grants went toward essentials like food and clothing. One in ten went to help someone secure a home or stay in their existing one. You could ensure nobody goes hungry or ends up facing homelessness.  

Make a gift today — we are stronger together.

Havas Helia RBL Set - Laurence 'Loz'

When they fall, we are there — Loz’s Story

Former Army Captain Laurence ‘Loz’ Moore was badly injured in an attack whilst on active Service in Afghanistan. His military career was over, his life was shattered, he faced a mental breakdown, and a complex PTSD diagnosis. He credits RBL and our specialist staff with helping him to pick himself back up. “Ever since then, I have wanted to take every opportunity to give something back,” he says. 

This year, Loz and his fellow volunteers will be out collecting vital funds in their local communities. Will you stand proud with them and make a donation to the Poppy Appeal today?


“Every pound dropped into a collection box and every donation sent to the Poppy Appeal helps to transform a life like mine.”

- Laurence ‘Loz’ Moore, former Army Captain and Poppy Appeal collector


Your gift today could help more veterans like Loz get the life-changing help they need.


Never alone, never forgotten — Roy’s story

Over half a century after Roy Tarbotton, 82, ended his Service with the 2nd Tank Regiment, he was told he needed a hip replacement. The hospital was over 80 miles away from his home in Enniskillen in Northern Ireland and he had no way of getting there. 

With no family support, Roy was worried he would not make it to his vital surgery. He rang the RBL Advice and Information Line – and was very glad he did. Our Case Officer, Laura Wilson, organised a wheelchair-accessible taxi so Roy could keep his appointment and travel home in comfort after his painful surgery. She also made sure Roy had RBL’s help to move into an accessible property, and she secured funding for a mobility car and scooter, a huge boost to his independence.

“When you live on your own, that phone call means an awful lot. Laura from RBL has been an angel to me.”  

- Roy Tarbotton, Army Veteran 

Everyone like Roy who has served their country deserves help with life’s problems — please give what you can today.

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Vital support through a difficult time — Margaret’s story

Margaret*, who is in her 60s, reached out to us for help. She had served in the Army for 15 years but was living alone in a rented house with no bed or mattress. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer and was forced to leave her home and her husband, because his addictions and mental health issues were too much for her.

We supported her financially through her gruelling chemotherapy treatment. But it was the emotional support that meant everything. “I will never forget when she called to tell me she had rung the bell and was cancer-free,” says Caroline, Margaret’s RBL Case Officer. Thanks to our supporters, we helped Margaret through one of the toughest times imaginable. Now, she has a part-time job and is getting back on track again.

*We have changed the name to protect the privacy of the individual involved.

Nobody should have to face serious illness alone — please give today so RBL Case Officers like Caroline can be there.


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See some of the many ways we can help – thanks to you

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