Registered nurses who specialise in dementia form a vital part of the our support network.
We have always seen the need to support those in the Armed Forces community living with dementia, and their carers.
That's why we work with Dementia UK to provide Admiral Nurses, a service that offers specialist support, information and advice.

There’s a pressing need. More than 700,000 people in the UK have dementia and over the next 30 years, this is expected to double.
The UK’s ex-Service community is largely elderly, with almost half of them over 75 and nearly two thirds over 65.
Living with dementia can be an incredibly hard experience, often lonely experience for the person with dementia and their carer.
Admiral Nurses
Admiral Nurses are registered nurses who specialise in dementia, helping family carers gain the necessary skills to assist with dementia care, promoting positive approaches in living well with dementia and improving the quality of life for everyone involved.
Ron's story
The nurses provide expert support every step of the way.
They offer practical advice, and emotional and psychological support from diagnosis to post bereavement, helping people deal with feelings that are often complex.
They help carers to develop coping strategies and offer a single point of contact, helping to join up different parts of the health and social care system to meet people’s in a coordinated way.
Above all, these are trained professionals with a deep understanding and experience of this condition who support people at difficult times in their dementia journey: when the condition progresses, or when tough decisions need to be made, such as moving a family member into residential care.