Displaying 593-608 of 903 results

Women at Work

Florence Cordell was one of the first women to work as a bus conductor during WW1 as women filled the roles of men on the home front.

55MB ZIP file

100 Years of Remembrance - KS4 (Welsh)

Explore who, how and why we remember, and consider how the next generation will shape their own Remembrance in the next 100 years.

44MB PPTX file

100 Years of Remembrance - KS2

Explore who, how and why we remember, and consider how the next generation will shape their own Remembrance in the next 100 years.

76MB PPTX file

100 Years of Remembrance - KS4

Explore who, how and why we remember, and consider how the next generation will shape their own Remembrance in the next 100 years.

77MB PPTX file

I Hear You (Welsh)

Discover the vital role of volunteers and explore how imagery was used to recruit them during WW2 and through the pandemic.

8MB PPTX file

Together Across The Commonwealth

Through stories of four women in WW2, explore the importance of working together, and consider how modern Britain was built on collaboration.

27MB ZIP file

Creative Writing

Use short story 'A Sense of Home' by Bali Rai and a range of activities to write radio scripts encouraging people to volunteer in their communities.

15MB ZIP file

Remembrance and Service - Sea Cadets

Explore what Service means, reflecting on why it is important to remember the sacrifices made by the Armed Forces and emergency services.

8MB PPTX file

593-608 of 903 results
593-608 of 903 results
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