Displaying 865-880 of 900 results

Creative Writing (Welsh)

Use short story 'A Sense of Home' by Bali Rai and a range of activities to write radio scripts encouraging people to volunteer in their communities.

20MB ZIP file

100 Years of Remembrance - KS3 (Welsh)

Explore who, how and why we remember, and consider how the next generation will shape their own Remembrance in the next 100 years.

46MB PPTX file

Army Cadets

Through case studies, videos and photographs, voices of Army Cadets reflect on what Remembrance means to them, and help you find new ways to remember.

21MB PPTX file

Remembrance and Service Assembly

Remembrance and Service KS5

Explore what Service means, reflecting on why it is important to remember the sacrifices made by the Armed Forces and emergency services.

7MB PPTX file

Creative Writing

Take part in Remembrance through creative writing and the voices of children from WW2 through the short story 'Tomorrow Today' by Leila Rasheed.

16MB ZIP file

Remembrance and Service Assembly
2 - Remembrance and Service Assembly - What is service?
3 Remembrance and Service Assembly - Service and Remembrance
3 - Women In War - Factfile Women in the Second World War
4 Remembrance and Service Assembly - Case Study

Remembrance and Service KS1

Explore what Service means and support children in understanding why we remember the sacrifices made by the Armed Forces and emergency services.

9MB PPTX file

865-880 of 900 results
865-880 of 900 results
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